St Aelreds Community Centre
Community Centre
Churches Together

Churches together is an ecumenical group of East York churches working together to proclaim Christ and reach out to the local community in love and support.

One of the main things we do together is the Lent course at St Hilda’s. Each Wednesday in Lent, we have a light lunch together of soup and a roll, and then the meeting is taken by a minister from one of the churches. On Good Friday we have a Walk of Witness together.

Other events include joint worship every Thursday morning, a service on Sunday evening once a month, and the Harvest Service and Supper at Murton Farm Museum in October.

Each church also takes it in turn to provide a social evening, now and again, so we have plenty of opportunities to worship God together and get to know each other.

For more details contact Hilda Carney or see the newsletter.